The Bridge
Posted by John Hicks Avisuali on Monday, February 15, 2016 · 2 Comments
It’s always daunting taking on a project that’s totally outside your comfort zone. In truth I’ve never been asked to make a short film about ‘dealing with depression as unprocessed grief’ before and the idea of mourning our losses – personal, emotional and spiritual as well as physical, intrigued me. Sometimes photography is obvious but thinking up original images for concepts like loss of trust, of love, hope, purpose and lost opportunities was definitely challenging. Most of all I wanted to take the viewer on a visual journey of emotional connection. It takes courage to do something different and sometimes it scared the hell out of me but it takes more courage to face your inner demons and cross The Bridge.

Filed under cinematography, collaboration, film, inspiration, photography · Tagged with Acceptance, Anti-Depressants, Anxiety Relief, Bridge, Catharsis, cinematography, community, Compassion, dance, Defeat Depression, Emotional Expression, Emotional Well-Being, Expressive Body Work, Expressive Breath Work, Freedom, Grief Loss & Recovery, Grieve, Happiness, Healing, inspiration, john hicks, Journey, Life Energy, Life Transformation, Loss, Love, Meditation, Movement, Personal Development, photography, portraits, Psychotherapy, Residential, Retreat, Rituals, Self Help, Shame, Silence, Spirituality, stills, Therapy, Touch, True Self, Visualisation, Well-Being, Witnessing
Beautifully thoughtful and for me personally had huge resonance, I think I’ll let that lap at my soul for a while.
Thanks so much for your comments Dave – it’s feedback like yours that keeps me motivated 🙂