Danfung Dennis

Sometimes you read so much about an upcoming new media project that, inevitably, you can only be disappointed by the results. Not so with Danfung Dennis
I’ve read so many rave reviews about his upcoming movie Hell and Back Again which was all shot hand held on a customised rig on the Canon 5D Mk II.
Recent recipient of scores of awards including the prestigious Sundance Film Festival 2011 Grand Jury Documentary Prize AND World Cinema Cinematography Award, I have to be honest and admit that, when I first saw the official 60 second trailer, i wasn’t overly impressed BUT I just saw it as Battle for Hearts and Minds which is what it was originally called and its totally mind blowing.
When someone can go into a war zone and shoot cinematic footage like this you’ve just got to hand it to the guy – he’s got real, raw talent. Awesome!!!!

Rafa Botello Push With Me

Rafa Botello – Push With Me
I’ve been really inspired by professional athlete Rafa Botello and his story.
His drive, his desire, his determination and his dignity.
If I was half the man he is, I’d be twice the man I am.

ideas vs equipment – who dares wins

You can own the latest HD DSLR rig. You can have the latest lens and newest gadgets but if you don’t have the eye, the skill or the sheers guts to get out there and shoot then you’ve got nothing…
This incredible ‘point of view’ video, shot with the HD Hero, is a one take continuous film of a downhill bike race in Valparaiso. It’s steep, scary and heart stoppingly watchable!!! Enjoy…..
I just wish we could have seen the guy’s face at the end – pure adrenalin and high emotion it MUST have been.

VCA 2010 RACE RUN from changoman on Vimeo.


a short film I made with contemporary dancer Marie Gabrielle Rotie after taking some stills on sunset.

As soon as I shot the stills I knew I wanted to shoot moving film and I think it’s hard, if not impossible, to do both in the same space of time. When I’m shooting stills I see the motion and want to capture it and when I’m shooting motion I see the still frames that flicker past my eye and are committed to the moving image format.
It’s a fascinating conflict of interests to be caught up in.

Just like me, Marie is inspired by light, energy and movement and our photo shoot led to an artistic collaboration of motion that was all shot in one totally improvised afternoon.
I know the importance of pre productuon and planning in making a short film and I’m all up for it but when you get the chance don’t let your instincts down – just go for your shots and set your creativity free.