ideas vs equipment – who dares wins

You can own the latest HD DSLR rig. You can have the latest lens and newest gadgets but if you don’t have the eye, the skill or the sheers guts to get out there and shoot then you’ve got nothing…
This incredible ‘point of view’ video, shot with the HD Hero, is a one take continuous film of a downhill bike race in Valparaiso. It’s steep, scary and heart stoppingly watchable!!! Enjoy…..
I just wish we could have seen the guy’s face at the end – pure adrenalin and high emotion it MUST have been.

VCA 2010 RACE RUN from changoman on Vimeo.

converge film festival 2011

delighted to say that I made the top 3 films with ‘The Hardest Fight’ as shown at the Converge Film Festival held at the British Film Institute down on South Bank, 1st & 2nd March 2011.
Gutted I couldn’t be there to see it in person but apparently it was very well received by the audience and held up well on the big screen…Still can’t quite believe that this, my very first short film, is getting such great feedback from the HDDSLR community. Thanks so much guys – really appreciate it!!!!

Overall winner went to Jason Wingrove for his short 10/10/10 about the all year round open air swimming pool at Bondi Beach, Sydney, Australia.

Congrats to all and I feel honoured to have been included in such highly respected company!!!

Special thanks to James Stoneley for keeping me updated. Cheers mate!!!