
lapland collage by john hicks

lapland collage by john hicks

Maria Lapland 2011

I’m intrigued by loneliness. I think of myself as a sociable person who thrives in the company of others. How would I deal with being alone? Why do some people cope with it better than others? Is it something that will one day happen to us all? Is being alone the same as being lonely?
This summer I travelled to remote wilderness in Northern Lapland to visit Maria who lives alone there during the months of the midnight sun. She has no electricity, no tv, no internet and her only contact with the outside world is a weekly supply boat. She’s extraordinarily happy, euphoric even, and surrounded by an environment so energised that it’s as if the whole of nature has befriended her.
We swam every morning in water so cold it made your heart beat out of your chest.
We caught fish and cooked on open fires whilst eagles flew overhead and reindeer came within touching distance.
We spent hours in the forest and never tired of watching the light – lost in the moment when sky and water merge to form a continuous landscape of infinity.
In today’s virtual world dominated by twitter, facebook and networking with high speed internet on the move, it was fascinating to step away and get back in touch with the raw, intense and healing power of nature.
I still don’t know if I could live alone but maybe it would be easier with a friend like Mother Nature.

Squirt – story of a stunt rider

It’s always nice to be recognised for your work.
Sometimes it takes a while.
This was the very first audio visual I shot and now that I know more technically I can think of plenty to criticise about it but, above all, it’s got heart and it makes me proud to think others agree.
Thanks to Photography Served for showcasing!!!!

stunt horse rider by john hicks

story behind the still

It was great to be asked by Digital Photographer to talk through the lighting techniques behind some of my still images.
I don’t think of myself as a technical so much as an instinctive photographer. I love watching the play of light and how it shapes, highlights and contrasts things. I think I have more of a feel for photography than a desire to analyse it. When I compose a shot it’s like having a band playing in my head and I arrange the lighting like a man who knows his music but isn’t interested in how the notes are formed.
I’m in awe of the whole gear head thing but I’m more of a ‘get out there and just do it’ guy so see if you can guess how I took this shot and then click on the image to find out for real.
john hicks story behind the still digital photographer

digital photographer