Tattoos and Taboos

I don’t have any tattoos.
I don’t think I could.
I’m a bit of a wimp when it comes to needles.
When I got my ear pierced at 15 I fainted on the High Street outside the shop and forever lost my chance to look cool in front of the girl I was trying so hard to impress.
But I’m fascinated by people who put themselves under the needle to adorn their bodies in ink.
While getting a tattoo is now so commonplace as to be considered ‘normal’ what makes someone want to go beyond convention and express themselves through the artwork on their bodies.
Exploring areas of taboos and tattoos I’m indebted to Emma Garrard and Joe Munroe for inviting me into their world.

George Portrait by John Hicks

Joe Munroe Tattoo Artist by john Hicks

Deryn Tattoo Artist by John Hicks

Chris Tattoo portrait by John Hicks

Tattoo Artist by John Hicks

Sara Tattoo by John Hicks

Self Made Tattoo by John Hicks

Justin Tattoo by John Hicks

Emma Tattoo Artist by John Hicks