Early Work by John Hicks

I’m rubbish at archiving my own work.
The minute I’ve got the shot in camera I’ve lost interest in it and I’m ashamed to admit that I’ve left a trail of negatives and archive prints to their own fate – many lost along the way.
I came across these images of some of my early work just recently.
It’s frightening to see the pure and instinctive photographer I started out as become diluted by the business and the advice of so many people I really shouldn’t have listened to.
I didn’t have a clue technically but I spend my life now trying to get back to that place where I first started out – fresh, true, orignal and free

cars for scrap cash by john hicks

st pauls riots bristol by john hicks

artist by john hicks

artists by john hicks

drena de niro by john hicks

drena de niro

sarita choudhury by john hicks

sarita choudhury

Eric by John Hicks


lapland collage by john hicks

lapland collage by john hicks

Maria Lapland 2011

I’m intrigued by loneliness. I think of myself as a sociable person who thrives in the company of others. How would I deal with being alone? Why do some people cope with it better than others? Is it something that will one day happen to us all? Is being alone the same as being lonely?
This summer I travelled to remote wilderness in Northern Lapland to visit Maria who lives alone there during the months of the midnight sun. She has no electricity, no tv, no internet and her only contact with the outside world is a weekly supply boat. She’s extraordinarily happy, euphoric even, and surrounded by an environment so energised that it’s as if the whole of nature has befriended her.
We swam every morning in water so cold it made your heart beat out of your chest.
We caught fish and cooked on open fires whilst eagles flew overhead and reindeer came within touching distance.
We spent hours in the forest and never tired of watching the light – lost in the moment when sky and water merge to form a continuous landscape of infinity.
In today’s virtual world dominated by twitter, facebook and networking with high speed internet on the move, it was fascinating to step away and get back in touch with the raw, intense and healing power of nature.
I still don’t know if I could live alone but maybe it would be easier with a friend like Mother Nature.


John Hicks Lapland

I’m crossing Lake Inari in Lapland now where the days are long and the sun never seems to set.
I’m heading north into the Arctic Circle on the border where Finland meets the Motherland.
Will be blissfully & unfashionably out of contact for a while.
Will send photos and edited footage as soon as I re establish communication with the outside world.
There’s no electricity or internet.
I may be out of touch for a while so forgive the bad blogging practice.
I do feel guilty BUT…..I’m really looking forward to it!!!

Rafa Botello Push With Me

Rafa Botello – Push With Me
I’ve been really inspired by professional athlete Rafa Botello and his story.
His drive, his desire, his determination and his dignity.
If I was half the man he is, I’d be twice the man I am.