graphics, graffiti, nyc and nigel sylvester
collating my images for a self published book of nyc urban portraits and couldn’t resist posting these – one of which includes bmx legend Nigel Sylvester
Took some action shots as well but I just preferred the graphics of this simple straight on – even if it was a bugger of a shot to compose!!!
the challenge
I actually started out as a photojournalist with a Canon AE1 and a selection of fixed wide angle lenses that I still have to this day. My heroes were ( and still are) Don McCullin, Bruce Davidson and Josef Koudelka among others and I loved the high contrast, black and white worlds of Bill Brandt, David Bailey and Richard Avedon.
My own personal journey took me on the road to exploring other avenues of photography like sports, fashion, and advertising but I’ve always loved portraiture and the telling of a story.
In September 2010 I photographed quad amputee Ray Edwards on assignment for The Guardian.
We got on great and I was fortunate enough to be asked to document his incredible attempt to summit the highest freestanding mountain in the world Mount Kilimanjaro with Charity Challenge.
These images say it better than I ever could….
I’m indebted to Ray for his courage, lack of vanity and dedication to this project and also to the porters and guides of Kilimanjaro who made this such a humbling and memorable trip for me.
ave maria
Maria – 86 years young!!!!!
Swims every day – is more fearless, free and fabulous than anyone I know….
the hardest fight – from stills to motion
Have just finished my first short film The Hardest Fight and it’s getting a great reaction so, if you have 3 minutes spare in your day, do take a look
HDDSLR hero Vincent Laforet (no less!!!!) just gave me the thumbs up and I’m really psyched!!!!
“Fantastic location and story – very very nice – v”
Also on YouTube
If you don’t already know the work of Vincent Laforet – both as a photographer and a film maker then be sure to check out his site
What I respect most about him is that he is NOT afraid to share information so that others get the inspiration to go make the leap into motion & try it for themselves!!!!!!!
Enjoy what’s left of the summer