Tattoos and Taboos
I don’t have any tattoos.
I don’t think I could.
I’m a bit of a wimp when it comes to needles.
When I got my ear pierced at 15 I fainted on the High Street outside the shop and forever lost my chance to look cool in front of the girl I was trying so hard to impress.
But I’m fascinated by people who put themselves under the needle to adorn their bodies in ink.
While getting a tattoo is now so commonplace as to be considered ‘normal’ what makes someone want to go beyond convention and express themselves through the artwork on their bodies.
Exploring areas of taboos and tattoos I’m indebted to Emma Garrard and Joe Munroe for inviting me into their world.
Crossing the Green Screen Divide
Working with Richard Jobson I got to DoP on my very first green screen for the filming of a viral for the Rolton Group
I’m probably not your first choice ‘go to’ guy when you think of green screen and I admit to being nervous about crossing the divide but if you take a challenge head on and apply your knowledge of photography and instincts for lighting –
it’s amazing how easily you can take the unknown into your stride and make it your own.
Here’s the ‘straight out of the can’ pre light test I did with my assistant using HMI’s for the background and Kino Flos for the subject. I’ll keep you posted on the final edit with the actor and the background visuals cut together…..
guide to dslr film making
Since the introduction of video enabled DSLR cameras some three years ago, there has been a fast moving revolution going on in the converging worlds of photography and motion.
Asked by Digital Photographer to talk technique, tips and kit you can click on the link below to read the article in full.
The Somnambulists by Richard Jobson
In a world dictated to and dominated by the selling of product it’s empowering to see ‘The Somnabulists’ a self financed film directed by Richard Jobson.
Enraged by our general apathy towards the war in Iraq the film is a dramatization of events inspired by the testimonies of British servicemen and women who were directly involved in the conflict in Basra.
Challenging and thought provoking it gives voice and life back to those that have lost theirs in the hope that we will waken from our slumbered acceptance of the untold damage and consequence of war.
Numbed by media saturated images and increasingly shocking content this film is simple, stark and bold in the message it conveys. As each ‘soldier’ talks about their experiences the camera glides into the lives that might have been and the people they left behind to paint a visual and emotional picture that remains with you long after the final harrowing scene.
As Jobson says ‘Like many people I was angered by the Iraq war and like most people did nothing about it. This is my response to that apathy. In the film although it appears that the speakers are the ghostly presence it is, in fact, we the audience who are the Somnambulists. It is us who were sleep walking in the build up to the war and its tragic aftermath.’
Meeting up with Richard Jobson I’ve been privileged to preview this film several times and I urge you all to go to
The World Premiere of THE SOMNAMBULISTS on Friday 14 October with additional screenings on Saturday 15 and Monday 17 October at the 55th BFI London Film Festival 2011