Rafa Botello – twilight portraits shot on flash
shooting professional athlete Rafa Botello for my ‘Twilight Portraits’ series of images, I had the shot set up perfectly and was all prepped and ready for that all too short window of twilight that comes and goes in a flash.
Here you see the light and the balance is perfect but I had wanted to make this a moving image and just as Rafa set off his tyre blew out and he had to do a quick change…Fast as he was the light fell faster into the night to make this much of a differnce but while, to me at least, the top shot is more technically well balanced I still prefer the moving one below.
professional athlete Rafa Botello shots on ambient
Rafa Botello gym session – all shot for Trisense Magazine using only available ambient light….
graphics and graffiti
I love subtle light.
I love strong light.
I love, graphics, graffiti and urban decay.
I love hi tech and lo tech.
I love colour and black & white.
I love movement and static shots.
I want to keep my mind open and my eyes peeled for anything that catches them….
ave maria
Maria – 86 years young!!!!!
Swims every day – is more fearless, free and fabulous than anyone I know….