Auckland, Art, Aerosols & Artists

on a recent trip to New Zealand I discovered that it’s cities have a rich and vibrant history of graffiti and street art.
Sadly most of the public spray paint art in Auckland had been erased in preparation for the Rugby World Cup 2012
so I missed out on seeing some its most iconic pieces but I did get a chance to meet up with many of the artists driving the regeneration and appreciation of this evolving art form.
Thanks to all those who took part and to the hugely talented aerosol artists I missed meeting up with – I hope to catch
up with you all further down the road to continue this project.
For more information on each featured artist – just click the images below…

Askew One by John Hicks

Askew One

Gasp by John Hicks


Xoe Hall by John Hicks

Xoe Hall

Enforce1 by John Hicks


Flox by John Hicks


Component by John Hicks


Wert159 by John Hicks


Ross 'TrustMe' Liew by John Hicks

Ross ‘TrustMe’ Liew