
John Hicks Lapland

I’m crossing Lake Inari in Lapland now where the days are long and the sun never seems to set.
I’m heading north into the Arctic Circle on the border where Finland meets the Motherland.
Will be blissfully & unfashionably out of contact for a while.
Will send photos and edited footage as soon as I re establish communication with the outside world.
There’s no electricity or internet.
I may be out of touch for a while so forgive the bad blogging practice.
I do feel guilty BUT…..I’m really looking forward to it!!!

Danfung Dennis

Sometimes you read so much about an upcoming new media project that, inevitably, you can only be disappointed by the results. Not so with Danfung Dennis
I’ve read so many rave reviews about his upcoming movie Hell and Back Again which was all shot hand held on a customised rig on the Canon 5D Mk II.
Recent recipient of scores of awards including the prestigious Sundance Film Festival 2011 Grand Jury Documentary Prize AND World Cinema Cinematography Award, I have to be honest and admit that, when I first saw the official 60 second trailer, i wasn’t overly impressed BUT I just saw it as Battle for Hearts and Minds which is what it was originally called and its totally mind blowing.
When someone can go into a war zone and shoot cinematic footage like this you’ve just got to hand it to the guy – he’s got real, raw talent. Awesome!!!!

Rafa Botello Push With Me

Rafa Botello – Push With Me
I’ve been really inspired by professional athlete Rafa Botello and his story.
His drive, his desire, his determination and his dignity.
If I was half the man he is, I’d be twice the man I am.

10 second portrait

It’s funny how you become known for a certain style, a certain signature ‘look’ to your images.
Encouraged by the industry that feeds you to define and identify that ‘style’, you find yourself exploring less and less avenues as you close down on your own visual eye and work on specialising your ‘branded’ identity.
Trouble is, the danger is, that along the way you lose yourself and it’s not until you strip everything away and start back with the basics – just you, a camera, an open mind and your own creative vision that you can start seeing again.
Recently I decided to give myself a task.
Take a photo.
Sounds simple doesn’t it? And it is!!!!!
But, sometimes, the further you get from that place you first started out in the harder it is to stop obsessing about the light, the location, the set up and just seize the moment to take the shot.
I’d been invited to a boxing match and after his fight I grabbed this 10 second portrait.
It’s not my best work but I like it because I took it.
I like it because I didn’t let the fluorescent lighting talk me out of taking it.
I just took it.