Faces of Addiction

Faces of Addiction by Chris Arnade is a personal photography project of such raw honesty and integrity that the portraits literally speak for themselves. The fact that Arnade is an ‘amateur’ only adds emphasis to my belief that great photographers are not pre-determined by their commercial markets so much as driven by their passion to produce arresting images no matter what
As Arnade says, these are “the stories of addicts in New York City – as they tell them to me. I am not a journalist,
I don’t verify, I just listen….Its very easy to ignore others. By not looking, by not talking to them, we can often fall into constructing our own narrative that affirms our limited world view. What I am hoping to do, by allowing my subjects to share their dreams and burdens and by photographing them with respect, is to show that everyone, regardless of their station in life, is as valid as anyone else”

Diane at night: Hunts Point, Bronx

Prince: Hunts Point, Bronx

Jackie: Hunts Point, Bronx

Castro: Hunts Point Bronx

Halloween 2012

halloween bu john hicks

halloween bu john hicks


I don’t take as many stills as I want to now I’m more involved in film making but when I saw this skateboarder kid on a street near me I just had to snap his picture….The light wasn’t great and I could have easily talked myself out of the shot but sometimes instinct just compels me to push that shutter button..

skateboarder by john hicks


If I didn’t make images with my camera I’d want to be a graffiti artist…..Here’s some recent artwork I came across while out on the streets…

graffiti artwork

graffiti artwork